Tuesday, May 22, 2018

CharJohnson.com Is Made For Reality Televison

Media Personality CharJohnson.com
Dealing with different attitudes and other people's personal issues are at the top of  Char Johnson's list. As a radio show host of her very own "talk show" program (which can be heard worldwide via earkandyradio.com) Char's ability to listen and dish out the "proverbial" shade is always on the menu.

It is that style and delivery that has made her very popular in this particular demographic. Hailing from a small city like Akron Ohio most people she comes across while touring/doing shows can't believe she's not from a bigger city/market.

It is our hope that more people and agents will continue to show CharJohnson.com love and interest. Recently we received a call from New-York regarding casting for certain reality shows. Their interest in her is proof that if you keep grinding and stay focused people will notice you. Even the ones that don't push the like botton on your soical media page. Check out our conversation posted below. Until the next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem 

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