Thursday, June 14, 2018 Is Producing Akron's First Ever Talk Show

Here at Mecca Media Entertainment, we understand the power and nature of "seasons". Our programming with The Prime Local Television Network is on pause due to the summer season. That's right, for the entire summer of 2018 we will not be producing any programming for The Prime Local Television Network. However, we will be returning to Prime Local this up and coming October with more of what you've come to expect from our shows.

With that being said, we thought that we shouldn't just look at this offseason as a vacation. Instead, we decided to keep working on concepts and content for more Mecca Media style programming. One of our doppest idea's was to do a local talk show featuring the city's most popular media personality

The show/program (as with all of our other shows) will be exclusively aired on our website via our Youtube channel. That's right, we urge you to go to YouTube and subscribe to our AkronHipHop channel. As stated before "we are Akron's authentic voice to the urban and Hip Hop culture and we would like to remind you about the city's first ever "talk show" which we're calling Chit Chat With Char. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem